This course is closed for enrollment.

*This course is a re-release of our previous course.*

What Is Strength?

Strength is the foundation of all physical performance. Too often, climbers look at it in too narrow a scope: if my fingers are strong enough, the rest will take care of itself. This course is about the rest.

We train strength for three main reasons:

  1. To create longevity. A stronger athlete tends to have a longer and more consistent career.
  2. To prevent injury. Stronger athletes tend to avoid shoulder, knee, and elbow injuries and can train longer and harder than those without a good foundation of strength.
  3. To create tension. Probably the biggest performance benefit of non-specific strength training is to develop the skill of mastering high tension, and its sister, relaxation.

Who Should Attend?

This course is designed for people who have at least a familiarity with the basic strength lifts, such as the deadlift, overhead press, pull-up, and squat. We’ll dive into other exercises, but these will form the basis for many of our examples. We’ll include more detailed information in the course manual and at the end of each section, so even experienced coaches can get a lot out of the course.

Curriculum Includes:

- Introduction to Strength

- Exercise Selection and Technique

- Programming and Progressing Training Sessions

- Tension and Relaxation

Each section will be packed with information in the form of presentations and videos. The course will also include the recording of the 90-minute Q+A with the instructors: Steve Bechtel, Charlie Manganiello, Alex Bridgewater, and Amanda Sempert.


Each course offered in the Classroom features a detailed presentation by our team of expert coaches, supporting notes, and a live video call with the presenter at the end of the course. If you are looking for the most up-to-date information on training, and want to know how to apply it in your own training or coaching, this is the place.


We've found that our athletes and students learn best via a combination of lecture, demonstration, and question/answer. With our class format, we work to optimize all three in order to provide the best learning opportunity possible. 

This course is closed for enrollment.